My inspiration

Bel’s Kitchen is a home cautery owned by a Cameroonian who is resident in Sweden.

i grew up with my mother in Cameroon who was a very good cook and usually cooked in large quantities for people on different occasion and especially for the church during church celebrations and other church large quantities(though without payment).

As a young girl growing  up, i loved food so much and my mother being well known for cooking at festivals and so on, i developed the interest for cooking different dishes. 

When i was much younger my job was just to help out with preparing the ingredients but when i grew older , i started helping out with the proper cooking. That at age 10. Since that time , i have been very close to my kitchen  preparing all kinds of dishes which i learned from my mother.

When i later moved to Sweden when i was an adult youth, cooking had become a part of me.

My passion for cooking has been a long term one and it’s not stopping any time soon. 

So now that you know where the passion is coming from, i hope you can trust me to handle all your commands and even when you have special occasions.

Some of our most ordered dishes


pepersoup meat


Puff puff and beans

Garri and eru

Koki and plantain